Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities
The Digital Humanities Department operates at the crossroads of art historical research and information technology. In addition to conducting its own research in its field, the digital humanities team works to respond to questions about digital matters in research. This role involves designing digital editions, digitalizing and updating research data in human and social sciences, and analyzing and visualizing them. Most of the time, the procedures used go beyond merely transposing known analog techniques into digital ones; rather, they truly open up new avenues of research. The department is committed to the open and sustainable management of research data and software development (open access, open source, open science).
Led by:
- Anne Klammt, 2019–2023
- Thorsten Wübbena, 2014–2019
Former Members

Research Projects
- ARCHITRAVE – Art and Architecture in Paris and Versailles in Accounts by Baroque-Era German Travellers
- Data curation: a case study on the database Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870–1940 und 1945–1960
- Datenvisualisierung in den Geisteswissenschaften
- KOR as a Service
- similARiTy
- Wikidata x ConedaKOR