Fall Courses
Fall Courses
For German researchers only
The Fall Course, Academic French and Introduction to Research Practices in France, introduces German researchers to the disciplinary practices of history and art history in France. In addition to a specialized half-day language course, the main institutions in Paris are presented: the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA), the documentation centers of the Musée d’Orsay and the Louvre, the Kandinsky Library, along with other important archives and libraries. Lectures by experts complement visits to the various sites.
The Fall Course takes place every two years, generally during the second half of September, in cooperation with the German Historical Institute Paris (DHI Paris).
In Germany, the Institut für Europäische Kunstgeschichte and the Historische Seminar of Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg have an analogous offering for historians and art historians from France.
Fall Course in Paris - DFK Paris GHI Paris
We will propose the next fall course in 2025