Lectures by the Team Members
Here are listed all oral interventions made by the members of our research team about the topics of the project “OwnReality”.
Mathilde Arnoux
June 28, 2017
- “Geteilte Realität. Eine neue Sicht auf die Wechselwirkungen in der Kunst zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa während des Kalten Krieges”, public conference, by invitation of Kerstin Thomas, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Stuttgart, Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart
April 21, 2017
- Introduction to the round table “The contemporary reception of commissioned artworks from the socialist countries”, within the scope of the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Lena Bader, Clément Layet and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
March 1, 2017
- Public discussion with artist and director Lutz Dammbeck after the showing of its documentary Overgames, Goethe-Institut, Paris
November 4, 2016
- Introduction to the round table “Formation of the categories West and East”, within the scope of the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Lena Bader, Clément Layet and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
October 21, 2016
- Introduction to the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Lena Bader, Clément Layet and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
January 20, 2016
- “‘Ein Loch in der Realität’. Der Begriff der Wirklichkeit als Ausgangspunkt für eine Auseinandersetzung mit Kunstbeziehungen zwischen Ost und West”, within the scope of Gregor Wedekind’s seminar, Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft (IKM), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Januar 16, 2016
- Moderation of the contributions by Christoph Tannert (Director Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin: »Die alternative Kunstszene Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg«) and Lutz Dammbeck (artist, Hamburg: »Der Leipziger Herbstsalon«), as part of the conference La scène artistique »alternative« dans la RDA des années 1980, organized by Jean Mortier, in cooperation with the Maison Heinrich Heine and with the support of the Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and the Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis
October 19, 2015
- “Rapport sur l’expérience avec un ERC Starting Grant pour le projet ‘À chacun son réel. La notion de réel dans les arts plastiques en France, RFA, RDA et Pologne, 1960–1989’”, within the scope of an ERC information day organised by the Europe Mission of COMUE Paris Lumières
April 1, 2015
- “Ce qu’éclaire l’usage de la notion de réel dans le discours sur l’art des relations artistiques durant la guerre froide”, within the scope of the seminar Les années 60–70 : un tournant dans la pensée des sciences humaines ?, organised by Jacques Leenhardt and Tania Vladova, EHESS, Paris
December 9, 2014
- “Y a-t-il deux arts allemands ? Réflexion sur les expositions d’art allemand de RFA et RDA organisées au musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris en 1981”, within the scope of the Master’s seminar L’impossible quête d’un ‘art allemand’. Œuvres, expositions, écrits sur l’art, organised by Christian Joschke (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense), DFK Paris
November 6–8, 2014
- “Contemporary Polish art seen through the lens of French art critics invited to the AICA Conference in Warsaw and Krakow in 1960”, in the scope of the conference Art in Transfer: Curatorial Practices and Transnational Strategies in the Era of Pop, organised by the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) and funded by the Terra Art Foundation, Södertörn University Campus and Moderna Museet, Stockholm
July 4, 2014
- Experience report about the ERC Starting Grant for the project “To Each His Own Reality”, within the scope of a workshop about European Research Council (ERC) funding conditions, Max Weber Stiftung, Bonn
March 13, 2014
- Presentation of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, within the scope of the evaluation of the German Center for Art History (DFK Paris) by an external scientific commission of the Max Weber Stiftung, DFK Paris
March 11, 2014
- Presentation (with Clément Layet) of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, in the scope of the M.A. seminar Figures de déplacements, led by Antje Kramer, Université Rennes 2
October 23, 2013
- Presentation of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, within the scope of a presentation of individual grant programmes given by the European Research Council (ERC), INHA, Paris
June 13, 2013
- “How the Analysis of Artistic Exchanges challenges Categories. Some observations based on the Research Progamme ‘To Each His Own Reality’”, within the scope of the conference Global Art History and the Peripheries, organised by the project “Artl@s”, ENS/INHA, Paris
April 10, 2013
- Introduction to the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
April 11, 2013
- Moderation (with Julie Sissia) of the panel “The Instability of Paradigms”, within the scope of the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
March 24, 2013
- “To Each His Own Reality (ERC Starting Grant). How to Consider Conventional East and West Criteria in a European research Project on Art of the Cold War Period?”, within the scope of the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention 2013, session “In Search of the Former East in the Former West”, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts
February 15, 2013
- Presentation (with Julie Sissia) of the research project “To Each His Own Reality”, within the scope of the M.A. seminar L’Art en Europe 1900–1960 : circulation, médiation, réception, led by Marie Gispert, Université Paris 1-Sorbonne, Paris
December 19, 2012
- “‘À chacun son réel’. Enjeux d’un projet de recherche européen”, within the scope of the research seminar Éclairages interdisciplinaire sur l’Europe centrale, Université Paris IV
June 4, 2012
- “L’exposition ‘Présences polonaises’ au musée national d’Art moderne en 1983. Observations sur la place tenue par un pays socialiste dans l’écriture de l’histoire de l’art contemporain”, within the scope of the conference Voir ne pas voir. Les expositions en question, Université Paris 1
June 1, 2012
- “‘À chacun son réel’. La notion de réel dans les arts plastiques en France, RFA, RDA, Pologne, 1960–1989”, within the scope of the 2nd Festival d’histoire de l’art, Château de Fontainebleau
May 7, 2012
- “‘À chacun son réel’. La notion de réel dans les arts plastiques en France, RFA, RDA, Pologne, 1960–1989. Enjeux d’une recherche autour d’une notion et de quatre pays”, within the scope of a seminar led by Jan Blanc, Université de Genève, Geneva
November 11, 2011
- “‘À chacun son réel’. Présentation du projet”, within the scope of the DFG Rundgespräch für Frankreichsforschung, DFK Paris
January 25, 2011
- “‘À chacun son réel’. Présentation du projet”, within the scope of a Lunchtalk, DFK Paris
February 11, 2010
- “Réel, arts plastiques et guerre froide”, within the scope of the seminar Arts et Sociétés, session “Politiques du réel”, led by Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, Sciences Po, Centre d’histoire, Paris
November 19, 2009
- “À chacun son réel. L’art de RFA et de RDA au musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris en 1981”, within the scope of the conference Zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der Kunst im kommunistischen Europa, 1945–1989, Centre Marc Bloch, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
January 10, 2009
- “Art Allemagne Aujourd’hui ou la reconnaissance de l’art allemand contemporain par les musées français”, within the scope of a DEA- and PhD-seminar led by Jean-Marie Valentin, Université Paris IV
Clément Layet
March 24, 2017
- Introduction to the round table “The Loci of Criticism and Emergence of the Political”, within the scope of the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Mathilde Arnoux, Lena Bader and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
November 18, 2016
- Introduction to the round table “Repositioning the Categories”, within the scope of the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Mathilde Arnoux, Lena Bader and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
October 21, 2016
- Introduction to the cycle of symposia Art History Authorities, organised with Mathilde Arnoux, Lena Bader and Matylda Taszycka, in cooperation with the Institut polonais Paris, DFK Paris
March 11, 2014
- Presentation (with Mathilde Arnoux) of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, within the scope of the M.A. seminar Figures de déplacements, led by Antje Kramer, Université Rennes 2
Clara Pacquet
October 10, 2013
- “Action et lieu chez Joseph Beuys. Le ‘Polentransport 1981’ dans la géographie imaginaire de l’Eurasia”, within the scope of the conference Art contemporain et marges, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
April 10, 2013
- Introduction to the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
June 8, 2013
- “‘Polentransport 1981’. Joseph Beuys et le Muzeum Sztuki de Łódź”, within the scope of the workshop Spatialisations de la mémoire, led by Danièle Cohn, CEPA (Culture, Esthétique et Philosophie de l'Art), Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Maria Bremer
September 11, 2015
- “Wissenschaft ohne Fragen. Künstlerische Grenzgänge am Beispiel von Paul-Armand Gettes À travers le paysage”, within the scope of the conference Objektivität und Imagination. Naturgeschichte in der Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, Sprengel Museum, Hanover
May 5, 2015
- »Alchemistischer Held und Junggesellenmaschine. Vettor Pisanis Auftritt bei der documenta 5«, Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Kunst und Okkultismus nach 1945, Universität Siegen
June 11, 2014
- “Making the Canon of Intensity in Art. Self-Representation and Individual Mythologies at documenta 5”, within the scope of the Harald Szeemann Workshop, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
June 18, 2014
- “Zerbröselnde Dinge? Spurensichern und Spurenlesen in den 1970er Jahren”, within the scope of the workshop Les sciences humaines et sociales au musée, organised by DFK Paris and CIERA, DFK Paris
October 10-11, 2013
- Introduction of the colloquium Art contemporain et marges and moderation of the panel "Parcours d’artistes et d’œuvres - la marge comme stratégie", Center Marc Bloch, Berlin
June 12, 2013
- “Selbstdarstellung bei der 5. documenta, 1972. Vettor Pisanis Performance ‘L’Eroe da Camera’”, within the scope of the seminar Zeigen (Er)zeugen, Universität Potsdam
April 12, 2013
- “Reality/ies of nature and the artist’s horizon. Paul-Armand Gette at the 6th documenta in Kassel, 1977”, within the scope of the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
March 1, 2013
- “Lebender Pop. Bild und Performance im kapitalistischen Realismus”, within the scope of the workshop Netzwerke der Westkunst 1945–64, Technische Universität, Dresden
February 3, 2012
- “Opposer son propre ordre au grand désordre. La section des Mythologies individuelles de Harald Szeemann dans la conception de la documenta 5”, within the scope of the workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
Constanze Fritzsch
October 2, 2013
- “Les Speech-Sheets Prozessuales Verwirklichen neuer Beziehungen zwischen Mann und Frau de Carlfriedrich Claus. Cristallisation du processus d’incorporation et d’expérimentation de pensées marxistes”, within the scope of the conference La vision en mouvement. Configurer le temps / Sehen in Bewegung. Konfigurationen der Zeit, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
April 12, 2013
- “Carlfriedrich Claus et la ‘Sprache als Bild der Wirklichkeit’”, within the scope of the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
March 21–22, 2013
- “Bananenlieferung und das Schweißtuch des Herrn Brendel. Die künstlerische Aneignung alltäglicher Objekte in einer Aktion der Autoperforationsartisten”, within the scope of the 53rd National Postgraduate Colloquium in German Studies, University of London
January 12, 2013
- “L’inconscient conscient chez Claus”, within the scope of a seminar of the Groupe de Recherches Matérialistes (GRM), ENS, Paris
January 20–21, 2012
- “Beuys, thérapeute du trauma collectif des Allemands”, within the scope of the conference Passage à l’acte. L’agir, de la performance à la psychiatrie, organised by INHA and Hôpital Sainte Anne, INHA, Paris
June 21, 2011
- “Carlfriedrich Claus’ prozessuales Aneignen von kommunistischer Literatur am Beispiel vom Zyklus Aurora”, within the scope of a workshop of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
Aneta Panek
June 20, 2013
- “Ingenious Dillettantes – Night Patrol – Punk in Poland. Subversive strategies in experimental cinema inspired by West Berlin Underground in the 80s”, within the scope of the workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
June 20, 2012
- “Jòzef Robakowski : une géographie personnelle : Lodz-Berlin-Budapest-Edinbourgh-Anvers-New York-Lodz”, within the scope of a workshop under the direction of Jòzef Robakowski
December 14, 2012
- “Paris – Berlin – Warsaw. Experiment in Film, Art and Music in France, in Germany and in Poland in the 1970s and the 1980s. Experiment, Autonomy and Subversion”, presentation of the PhD project, Universität der Künste, Berlin
Julie Sissia
September 19, 2013
- “Les transports collectifs selon Wolf Vostell”, within the scope of the conference Manipuler, activer, transformer : L’art participatif des années 1960 en Europe, organised by Antje Kramer and Marion Hohlfeldt, Université Rennes 2
April 11, 2013
- Moderation (with Mathilde Arnoux) of the panel “The Instability of Paradigms”, within the scope of the international meeting Reality(ies), Fiction and Utopia in the Art of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
March 9, 2013
- “Jean Clair et la Documenta 5”, within the scope of the seminar La critique en question, organised by Claire Fagnart and Jérôme Glicenstein, Paris VIII
February 28, 2013
- “Selbstdarstellung und Netzwerke der ‘Westkunst’ in Frankreich. Das Beispiel der deutschen Teilnahme an der Biennale de Paris in den 60er Jahren (1959–1965)”, within the scope of the international conference Soziale Geburt der Westkunst, Technische Universität, Dresden
February 22, 2013
- Presentation of recent research results of the project “To Each His Own Reality”, in the presence of its senior professors, DFK Paris
February 15, 2013
- Presentation (with Mathilde Arnoux) of the project “To Each His Own Reality” in the Master’s seminar L’Art en Europe 1900–1960 : circulation, médiation, réception, led by Marie Gispert, Université Paris 1-Sorbonne, Paris
February 1st, 2013
- Presentation of the project “To Each His Own Reality” and of the Art History PhD, for German learning high school students of the lycée Victor Duruit, DFK Paris
November 10, 2012
- “Réel, réalité et réalisme sous la plume de Raoul-Jean Moulin”, within the scope of the conference Entre élection et sélection. Le critique face à ses choix, MacVal, Vitry-sur-Seine
October 23, 2012
- “The two Germanies at the Paris Biennial. 1965–1982”, within the scope of the seminar Post-War Art in Europe, led by Nuit Banai, Department of the visual and critical Arts, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Tufts University, Boston
October 18, 2012
- “The GDR at the Biennale de Paris, between individual subversion and national representation”, within the scope of the South Eastern College Art Conference, panel “German Art since 1945 in Context”, Durham, North Carolina
February 24, 2012
- Presentation of the PhD-project in Art History at Sciences Po, in presence of the senior professors of the project “To Each His Own Reality” (Piotr Piotrowski, Martin Schieder, Danièle Cohn and Laurence Bertrand Dorléac), DFK Paris
September 29, 2011
- “Les objets didactiques de Wolf Vostell”, within the scope of the seminar Objects in Artworks, organised by the project “To Each His Own Reality”, DFK Paris
June 24, 2011
- “Le théâtre est dans la rue de Wolf Vostell. Un public artiste ?”, within the scope of the seminar Arts et Société, session “La passion égalitaire”, led by Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, Fondation Hartung-Bergman, Antibes/Sciences Po, Paris
June 8, 2011
- “Donner à voir l’art de RDA. Le critique d’art Raoul-Jean Moulin”, within the scope of the international meeting La place de la RDA dans les relations franco-allemandes après 1945, organised in cooperation with the Frankreich-Zentrum of the Freie Universität, Berlin, Université de Lorraine, Metz (CEGIL)
May 24, 2011
- “Le théâtre est dans la rue de Wolf Vostell. Un public artiste ?”, within the scope of a Lunchtalk, DFK Paris
The project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality. The notion of the real in the fine arts of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989” has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 263560.