Publications by the Team Members
This bibliography lists all articles published by the members of our research team in relation to the project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”.
Mathilde Arnoux
Free full-text access to all publications by Mathilde Arnoux is provided online at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/view/creators/Arnoux=3AMathilde=3A=3A.html#.
- Interview with Mathilde Arnoux by Marie Gispert and Julie Ramos, “Own Reality. À chacun son réel. La notion de réel dans les arts plastiques en France, RFA, RDA et Pologne entre 1960 et 1989”, in Regards croisés. Revue franco-allemande de recensions d’histoire de l’art et esthétique, no. 7, december 2017, online: http://hicsa.univ-paris1.fr/documents/pdf/Regards+croises/Numero+7/RC7_4-Projets_croises.pdf
- M. Arnoux, “Introduction / Introduction” (translated from French into English by Timothy Stroud), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23647
- M. Arnoux, “Contemporary Polish art seen through the lens of French art critics invited to the AICA Conference in Warsaw and Krakow in 1960”, in Art in Transfer: Curatorial Practices and Transnational Strategies in the Era of Pop (conference proceedings, Södertörn University), Stockholm, Elanders, 2017, p. 39-61, online: http://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1060138/FULLTEXT01.pdf
- M. Arnoux, “Exhibitions of West- and East-German Art in Paris (1980–1981)”, in J. Bazin, P. Dubourg-Glatigny and P. Piotrowski (eds.), Art Beyond Borders in Communist Europe (1945-1989), Budapest, Central European University Press, 2015, p. 391-400
- M. Arnoux, “Le thème de la réalité dans les expositions d’art contemporain organisées par les musées de RFA dans les années 1970”, in Revue germanique internationale, 22 | 2015, online: http://rgi.revues.org/1563
- M. Arnoux, “To Each His Own Reality: How the analysis of artistic exchanges in Cold War Europe challenges categories”, in Artl@s Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 1 “Peripheries”, 2014, online: docs.lib.purdue.edu/artlas/vol3/iss1/4/
- M. Arnoux, “Présences Polonaises, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1983. Singularité culturelle et artistique dans un monde bipolaire”, in M. Gispert, M. Murphy (eds.), Voir, ne pas voir. Les expositions en question (conference proceedings, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne – HiCSA and INHA, June 4/5, 2012), 2014, online: hicsa.univ-paris1.fr/documents/file/Arnoux.pdf
- M. Arnoux, “Les réalités”, in L’art en guerre. France 1938-1947, ed. by L. Bertrand Dorléac, exh. cat. Paris, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2012, p. 414
- M. Arnoux, “Compromission, engagement, neutralité : analyses de l’art polonais de la guerre froide”, in Perspectives, 2012/1 “Art et Pouvoir”, p. 193-200, online: perspective.revues.org/657
- M. Arnoux, “Réel, arts plastiques et Guerre Froide / Reality, the Visual Arts, and the Cold War” (translated into English by David Ames Curtis), in Lettre du séminaire Arts & Sociétés, ed. by L. Bertrand Dorléac, Paris, Sciences Po, 2011, online: www.sciencespo.fr/artsetsocietes/en/archives/1836
- M. Arnoux, Review of Piotr Piotrowski, In the Shadow of Yalta. Art and the Avant-Garde in Eastern Europe 1945-1989 (London, Redaktion books, 2011), in Revue de l’art, no. 171, 2011
- M. Arnoux, Review of Christian Saehrendt, Kunst als Botschafter einer künstlichen Nation. Studien zur Rolle der bildenden Kunst in der Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik der DDR (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009), in Revue de l’art, no. 169, 2010
- M. Arnoux, “Art Allemagne Aujourd’hui ou la reconnaissance de l’art allemand contemporain par les musées français”, in Études germaniques, no. 256, 2009/4, p. 1037-1053, online: https://www.cairn.info/revue-etudes-germaniques-2009-4-page-1037.htm, DOI: 10.3917/eger.256.1037
Maria Bremer
- M. Bremer, “Das Kunstwerk. Zeitschrift für Moderne Kunst” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23263
- M. Bremer, “Fotogeschichte. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Ästhetik der Fotografie” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23324
- M. Bremer, “Interfunktionen” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23325
- M. Bremer, “kritische berichte. Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23326
- M. Bremer, “KUNSTFORUM International. Die aktuelle Zeitschrift für alle Bereiche der Bildenden Kunst” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23327
- M. Bremer, “Weltkunst” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23357
- M. Bremer, “Wolkenkratzer Art Journal” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23328
- M. Bremer, “Lebender Pop. Bild und Performance im Kapitalistischen Realismus / Le pop vivant. Tableau et performance dans le réalisme capitaliste” (translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23641 (first edition, 2017, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000814)
- M. Bremer, “Documenta 6 revisited. Metamalerei, Realismus und der Kanon des Zeitgenössischen / Documenta 6 revisited. Méta-peinture, réalisme et le canon du contemporain” (translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23640 (first edition, 2017, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000812)
- M. Bremer, “Die documenta 5. Realitätsbefragung als Ideologiekritik und Subjektkonstituierung / La documenta 5. Interroger la réalité comme critique de l’idéologie et comme moteur de subjectivation” (translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23561 (first edition, 2016, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000130)
- M. Bremer, “‘La réalité, c’est nous qui la faisons’ : un entretien avec Paul-Armand Gette”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23553 (first edition, 2015, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000820)
- M. Bremer, “Modes of Making Art History. Looking back at documenta 5 and documenta 6”, in Stedelijk Studies, Issue #2 “Rewriting or Reaffirming the Canon? Critical Readings of Exhibition History”, 2015, online: www.stedelijkstudies.com/journal/modes-of-making-art-history
- M. Bremer, “Self-representation as self-divestment? Epigonality and singularity in Vettor Pisani’s Chamber Hero at documenta 5, 1972”, in The Journal of Modern Art History Department – Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade, no. 11, 2015, p. 95-110
- M. Bremer, “‘Verschiedene Weltanschauungen, verschiedene Temperamente’. Zur Ambivalenz der westdeutschen Kunstkritik im Wolkenkratzer Art Journal”, in kritische berichte, 2.2014, p. 58-67 (see online: http://www.ulmer-verein.de)
Constanze Fritzsch
- C. Fritzsch, “Bildende Kunst” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23417
- C. Fritzsch, “tendenzen. Zeitschrift für engagierte Kunst” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from German into French by Françoise Joly), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23564
- C. Fritzsch, “Interview mit den Auto-Perforations-Artisten”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23329
- C. Fritzsch, “Interviews über die Grafikbörse mit Günter Richter und Thomas Liebscher”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23554
- C. Fritzsch, “Interviews mit Christine Rink”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23266
- C. Fritzsch, “Die Erkenntnis des Augenblicks. Die Henri Cartier-Bresson-Ausstellung in der Galerie der HGB Leipzig 1987 / La connaissance de l’instant. L’exposition Henri Cartier-Bresson à la galerie de la HGB de Leipzig en 1987” (translated from German into French by Virginie de Bermond-Gettle), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23642 (first edition, 2017, at http://www.perspectivia.net/publikationen/ownreality/29)
- C. Fritzsch, “Allez! Arrest. Gelebte Wirklichkeit gegen tote Realität / Allez! Arrest. Réalité vécue contre réalité morte” (translated from German into French by Virginie de Bermond-Gettle), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23560 (first edition, 2016, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000126)
- C. Fritzsch, “L’inconscient conscient chez Carlfriedrich Claus”, in Cahiers du GRM [online], 5 | 2014, URL: http://grm.revues.org/395
Krzysztof Kosciuczuk
- K. Kosciuczuk, “Kultura” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from English into French by Jeanne Bouniort), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23575
- K. Kosciuczuk, “Struktury” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from English into French by Jeanne Bouniort), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23574
Clément Layet
- C. Layet, “‘À chacun son réel’ ? / ‘To Each His OwnReality’?” (translated from French into English by Simon Pleasance), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23570
- C. Layet, “Flegme et feu de Gilles Aillaud / The phlegme and fire of Gilles Aillaud” (translated from French into English by Timothy Stroud), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1361#/resolve/articles/23644 (first edition, 2017, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000819)
- C. Layet, “Entretien avec Gilles du Bouchet”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23648
Aneta Panek
- A. Panek, “Interview mit Wolfgang Müller”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23583
- A. Panek, “Entretien avec Jarosław Kozłowski”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23261 (first edition, 2015, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000112)
- A. Panek, “Entretien avec Józef Robakowski / Wywiad z Józefem Robakowskim” (translated from Polish into French by Dorota Felman), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23265 (first edition, 2015, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000111)
- A. Panek, “Entretien avec Wiesław Borowski / Wywiad z Wiesławem Borowskim” (translated from Polish into French by Dorota Felman), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23260 (first edition, 2015, at https://perspectivia.net/receive/pnet_mods_00000109)
- A. Panek, “Ingenious Dillettantes – Night Patrol – Punk in Poland. Transgressions, subversions and détournements in experimental music and cinema in West Berlin, Warsaw and Łódź”, in Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits and Armin Medosch (eds.), Open Fields. Art and Science Research Practices in the Network Society, RIXC, Riga & LiepU MPLab, Liepaja, Vol. 15, 2016, p. 88-99 (see online: http://rixc.org/en/acousticspace/issue/474/) / in Daniel Irrgang, Konstantin Daniel Haensch and Inger Neick (eds.), Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens, Vol. 2, Berlin, Universität der Künste, 2014 (see online: http://genealogy-of-media-thinking.net)
Julie Sissia
- J. Sissia, “Réel, Réalité et réalisme sous la plume de Raoul-Jean Moulin”, in Claire Leroux and Jean-Marc Poinsot (eds.), Entre élection et sélection. Le critique face à ses choix (conference proceedings, MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine), Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2017
- J. Sissia, “Art press” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from French into English by Sarah Tooth Michelet), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23565
- J. Sissia, “Chroniques de l’art vivant” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from French into English by Sarah Tooth Michelet), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23568
- J. Sissia, “Les Lettres Françaises” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from French into English by Sarah Tooth Michelet), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23569
- J. Sissia, “Opus international” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from French into English by Sarah Tooth Michelet), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23566
- J. Sissia, “Robho” (bilingual presentation of the journal, translated from French into English by Sarah Tooth Michelet), on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1357#/resolve/magazines/23567
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Jean Clair”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23581
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Fabrice Hergott”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23576
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Peter Klasen”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23582
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Jean-Jacques Lebel”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23580
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Catherine Millet”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23578
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Jacques Villeglé”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23579
- J. Sissia, “Entretien avec Max Wechsler”, on the project homepage OwnReality, ed. by Mathilde Arnoux and Clément Layet, 2017, online: https://dfk-paris.org/en/node/1359#/resolve/interviews/23577
- J. Sissia, “Donner à voir l’art de RDA. Le critique d’art Raoul-Jean Moulin”, in Ulrich Pfeil and Anne Kwaschik (eds.), Die DDR in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen, Bern, Peter Lang Verlag, 2013, p. 327-346, DOI: 10.3726/978-3-0352-6335-0
- J. Sissia, “‘Le théâtre est dans la rue’ de Wolf Vostell. Manifeste pour un public artiste ? / Wolf Vostell’s ‘Theater Is in the Street’: Manifesto for an Artist Public?” (translated by David Ames Curtis), in Lettre du séminaire Arts et Sociétés, ed. by L. Bertrand Dorléac, no. 45, Paris, Sciences Po, 2012, online: www.sciencespo.fr/artsetsocietes/en/archives/1627
The project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality. The notion of the real in the fine arts of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989” has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 263560.